A typical day will have you on your feet participating in large group activities, listening to mini presentations and discussing ideas in small, facilitated groups. You'll do things like visit campus resources, talk to representatives from student orgs, and make friends through fun games! CC meet ups are weekly for 1 hour in first 8 weeks of the Fall semester. Meet ups are offered Monday through Friday at a variety of times. Check the course schedule for current offerings or talk to your advisor.
Students are placed in a CC group that corresponds with their meta major.
A Meta Major is a group of academic programs connected by similar career paths that help students develop social and academic connections as they work towards achieving their professional goals.
Your CC group meet up will be facilitated by a professional mentor, assisted by a peer mentor. Your professional mentor is a faculty or staff member who has been chosen because they have shown a true passion for student success. Peer mentors will be available outside of meetups for one-on-one meetings, attending on-campus events, and student organization meetings.
Cardinal Communities is not a typical course where you are awarded a grade. Instead, students who have actively participated earned higher GPAs, are more connected to LU, and are more likely to continue on to their second year of studies.
Use LU Connect at orkexpo.net to access self-serve banner. Login with your Student ID and pin, then go to your student tab and look at your class schedule. A time, day and location should be listed next to CC-101. If it is not listed, email cardinalcommunities@orkexpo.net for assistance.
Students will receive introductory email from their assigned CC peer mentor and will have the opportunity to meet them during CC meet-up sessions. Peer mentors will share their email addresses with their mentees, allowing students to contact them directly. Students may also email cardinalcommunities@orkexpo.net for information about their professional mentor, peer mentor, or cardinal community.
If you'd like to drop by in person, our office is located in Communication Building, Room 109R in STAR Services. You can also email us at cardinalcommunities@orkexpo.net or call 409-880-7283 for assistance.